Behavioral addictions
This project aims to advance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying affective dependence. To this end, we (1) have the goal of understanding, emotional, and relational factors that define this distress and (2) validate instruments designed to detect this condition.
Functional and dysfunctional love:
the identification of a boundary
Intimate relationships constitute one of the pillars underlying mental and physical health, whose quality is an important source of individual well-being. In contrast, relationship distress can be a risk factor for personal and relational balance. Understanding the factors involved in the functioning of a romantic relationship, therefore, constitutes an important area of investigation in our laboratory. Prominent among these studies is the investigation of affective dependence, a clinical presentation currently not yet recognized in the major diagnostic manuals. Recent research has highlighted the relational nature of this condition suggesting a specificity with respect to other behavioral addictions.
Gambling disorder
In line with the literature on the topic of behavioral addictions, several researches conducted by our laboratory, have focused on gambling disorder. We analyze the role of the ability to regulate both negative and positive emotions in the development and maintenance of this condition. We explore how these difficulties are related to other aspects of psychological functioning such as personality characteristics, interpersonal skills, and relationship with money. We develop prevention and treatment interventions and test their effectiveness through rigorous scientific studies.
This project aims to advance the understanding of this condition and validate targeted therapeutic interventions. To this end, we (1) seek to understand the relationship between emotion regulation and metacognitive functioning that defines this distress and (2) validate interventions to treat this condition.